Get a second opinion on your super
Studies show that most Australians have a very high proportion of their super – between 60% and 80% – invested in equities1. And yet equities are a highly volatile asset class that may not be suitable for everyone! For example, in the year to December 2012, Australian equities did very well – returning 18.8%. But turn the clock back just six months and the picture was very different: In the year to 30 June 2012, the same assets lost over 7% of their value. And for the year to December 2011 things were even worse, with Australian Shares losing over 11.4% of their value2.It can certainly be a rollercoaster ride!
At Profile, our approach is to match a client’s investment strategy very tightly to their goals. We look closely at what you are hoping to achieve with your super assets, and build a strategy that has a high chance of achieving your goals, with a strong focus on protecting against downside risk.
If you would like to get a second opinion on your super investments, please contact us.
We will give you a call to confirm a few key details about your current situation, and assess whether a meeting might be of value to you. Your first meeting with a Profile planner is at no cost and obligation-free. We will give you a detailed quote based on your personal situation and needs before proceeding further, so you can assess the costs and benefits of our services before you engage us.

1 Australian School of Business (UNSW) “Equities Obsession: Too Much of a Good Thing?”, 19 March 2012
2 As measured by the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries (Accum.) index.
This information is provided by Profile Financial Services Pty Ltd, AFSL 226238. It is general information only and is not personal advice – your individual circumstances, needs and objectives have not been taken into account. You should seek professional personal financial advice to determine what is suitable for you. Past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance; figures quoted are not an illustration of any product and no allowance has been made for any fees or taxes.